AI Intervention in Heart Disease Diagnosis

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With the evolution of digital sources in the world, we can see Artificial Intelligence intervening in almost every part of our life. Nowadays, we use AI in virtually all walks of life without even realizing it. Some common examples include social media algorithms, fit bands, automatic cars, etc. It is about time that AI intervened in heart disease diagnosis as well.

Yes, you heard that right. A new study initiated by the Tempus Group of Chicago has managed to grab some attention because of its Electrocardiogram-based Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Detection of heart disease.

What is This Study?

Many reports suggest that around 50% of deaths caused due to cardiological issues could have been avoided in case of early detection. However, millions of people suffer from minor heart problems, which are undetectable in their initial stages. These problems often result in strokes or seizures and can worsen over time if not detected.

Despite this, we currently have no technology to detect underlying heart disease at the initial stage. The study launched by Tempus focuses on bringing AI into the picture to successfully identify and nip these heart diseases in the bud.

How Would It Work?

The campus group has created some new tests inspired by normal body algorithms. Simply put, these algorithms would not match a person with an underlying heart disease. The tests are designed using the AI called a deep neural network which helps interpret the heart’s electric signals, much like the widely used 12 lead ECG test.

The group is on its way to developing some more algorithmic tests that can identify more than seven standard types of heart diseases in the mitral, aortic, AFIB, and tricuspid valves and any other abnormalities like thickening and shrinking.

The core methodology behind this working it’s to create an algorithmic pattern using artificial intelligence that can be layered with the test results occupied after an ECG. This study wishes to explore whether we can improve our existing clinical technology with the help of some artificial intelligence algorithmic tools and acquire new and improved results with it.

John Pfeifer, MD, MPH, Vice President of Clinical Cardiology at Tempus, has expressed his genuine excitement towards building a data-driven precise test.

It might be a challenging approach for experimentation as there has never been a similar study before. It will revolutionize the cardiological field of work if it does gain momentum and high success rates. The death rate would also reduce significantly, considering heart disease being the first on the list of leading causes of death in 2020-21.

Final Words

Artificial intelligence is a boon to humanity when used correctly. We already use artificial intelligence in the medical field for diagnosis, drug development, treatment personalization, medical simulations, gene editing, and much more. If it can be used as a complementary addition to existing medical knowledge, AI can create wonders in the world.

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