Water: The Elixir of Life

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We were always taught about drinking enough water during our day to keep us hydrated. But, with a life full of stress, we tend to forget about it and think that it’s not important. But, with the new year starting, drinking more water should be on your resolutions list. According to a new study from the National Institutes of Health, good hydration directly links to a healthier life, leading to the occurrence of fewer chronic diseases. As far-fetched as it may sound, a research survey with 11,255 subjects has proved the intake of fluids with the sodium levels of adults.

Stay young!

According to Ntalla Dmitrivea, “The results suggest that proper hydration may slow down aging and prolong a disease-free life”. The results were found when the researchers were working on preventive measures to prolong human life. It has been found that people with higher sodium levels age faster than those with a lower level of sodium which directly links to the intake of fluids in the body. The researchers also found out that people with higher sodium levels were more likely to contract certain diseases such as stroke and heart-related problems. They even found out that the risk of death was also increased in these people.

The research builds upon an earlier study that the scientists released in March 2022, where they discovered connections between elevated levels of normal sodium in the blood and heightened chances of heart failure. Both of these discoveries were derived from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study, which encompasses sub-studies involving a large number of Black and white adults from all over the United States. The initial sub-study of ARIC began in 1987 and has aided in the better understanding of risk factors for heart disease, as well as the development of clinical guidelines for treating and preventing it.

The researchers then examined the correlation between serum sodium levels and biological aging, which was evaluated through 15 health markers such as systolic blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar, which gave insight into how well the cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic, renal, and immune system of each person was functioning. The study also took into consideration factors like age, race, biological sex, smoking status, and hypertension.

High Sodium- A Big No!

The researchers found that the higher a person’s serum sodium level, the younger their biological age. That means that people with high-sodium diets may actually be biologically younger than those who consume less salt. These findings were supported by a 2018 study that showed that higher dietary sodium intake was associated with slower aging and reduced risk of mortality from all causes in adults aged 50 years or older.

However, many doctors have declined the correlation between hydration and long-living human bodies and say that the “liquids” does not establish anything related to the water. It is yet to be seen the truth in the claims as the study progresses and finds its course moving ahead.

Final Thoughts

No matter what research is done on this particular subject, it is clear that water is absolutely necessary for the body to function properly. So, it is essential to make sure that one drinks an adequate amount of water every day to maintain optimal health.

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