New Continua Design Guidelines Enable Integration of Patient Generated Data into Electronic Health Records to Support Chronic Disease Management Built on HL7 FHIR Specifications

ARLINGTON, VA, December 13, 2017 — The Personal Connected Health Alliance (PCHAlliance) today released the latest version of the Continua Design Guidelines (CDGs) to enable the secure, private, reliable and accurate sharing of patient generated health data (PGHD) with healthcare providers, built-on HL7 FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) specifications. The Design Guidelines now support the integration of personal health …

Artificial intelligence: keeping healthcare in check

There is a school of thought that sees artificial intelligence as a direct synonym for replacement of humans by automated machines. But the reality is not quite so black and white. After all, we as humans are far more than computer code; we live and decide and even thrive on ambiguity and nuance. Nowhere is …