What Healthcare Can Learn From The Apple Watch

Today, our healthcare system is making a drastic change from providing care as a service for the sick, to empowering and engaging people as partners and owners of their health and well-being. Take last month’s Apple news as an example. A device that was originally created for a seamless consumer technology experience now allows users …

Impact Of Teleradiology On Health Care

Teleradiology is the most mature and rapidly evolving branch of telemedicine. It uses computers and telecommunication networks to transmit diagnostic images and data from one location to another for primary review and interpretation as well as specialist consultation. HISTORY One review claims that the first reference to telemedicine in medical literature can be traced back …

Essential Considerations for CTMS Integrations and Data Migrations

Clinical research sites that are in the process of investigating clinical trial management system (CTMS) adoption are finding that the site CTMS space is in flux with mergers, discontinued products, and new start-ups looking to drive innovation. It can be challenging to focus on what’s important to each individual site as they evaluate the available …

Do you really need a CTMS system?

In the not too distant past, if you were running clinical trials, we would never have expected this question to be posed: “do we really need a Clinical Trials Management System (CTMS)?” You needed to have a system that would capture and report out information related to the operational progress of your trials, without question. But, …

CTMS Implementation Success: Top Five Steps to Keep You On Track

CTMS implementation success might seem not that easy, especially when utilizing this kind of software for the first time. In this case it is important to have a very well sketched plan that will help you with the initial steps to get everything in place. The beginning is the toughest part and this is the …