Connectivity: The One Word Transforming Healthcare

It’s fair to say that patient care depends on healthcare connectivity. Every person who visits a doctor or picks up a prescription generates data that are assembled to form a complete profile of that person. Any break in the data chain and it’s the patient who suffers. Thankfully, we live in an age of growing …

BPA vs RPA vs Process Optimization 101

I often hear the terms Business Process Automation (BPA) and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) used interchangeably, and while they are both important to improving processes in an organization, they are different. I’ve also included an overview of Business Process Optimization (BPO) below to validate that it too has different strategies & outcomes. Here’s your 101 …

Pushing the Boundaries of Molecular Diagnostics

Genomic science continues to advance and improve the ways we diagnose and treat patients seeking answers and treatments.  The applications of this science are allowing for more targeted diagnosis and personalized treatment than was ever possible.  The areas where we can continue making advancements with the ability to analyze biological markers in the genome are …

Four Ways Connected MedTech Will Make Medicine More Precise

Welcome to the Age of Medical Connectivity. Today there are more than 500,000 different types of medical devices—from imaging equipment and POC analyzers to implants and wearables—that are connected directly or indirectly to healthcare databases and networks. The power of these networked devices to turn data into faster, more accurate diagnoses and treatments is overwhelming. …