How to deal with negative reviews

With over 3 billion users worldwide, social media is an incredibly powerful tool for all types of food and drink businesses across the globe. It allows you to express the human side of your business and keep your audience up to date and entertained with news and engaging posts. But it’s not just social media …

Understanding Laboratory Software Services Markups and Subcontracting

Markup and Subcontracting:       Some of the preferred vendors have to subcontract to other firms to get laboratory software people for their customers’ projects because many preferred vendors that operate within large companies are huge firms that don’t happen to specialize in providing laboratory software resources. In some cases, the subcontracts are subcontracted to subcontracts and …

What the Regulators are Looking for in a LIMS Validation Plan

Validating LIMS is a fundamental requirement for GMP compliance. Where LIMS is used to store and process GMP data, it is imperative that the system accurately and reliably performs as expected. This is where the validation and implementation project play an important part in the lifecycle of a LIMS. It should be focused on aspects related to patient safety, …

The “other” LIMS functions

The analytical and reporting processes attributed to LIMS (LIS) are well documented and known to analysts, laboratory managers and directors. However, LIMS offer many valuable functions, often not explored, in terms of human resources (HR). As with so many functions in the new ways of business, HR is often not onsite every day, making the …