Study Links Commuting Choices To Heart Health: Walk Or Cycle To Impact Cardiovascular Risk

Commuting to work is a daily routine for most of us, and the mode of transportation we choose can have a significant impact on our overall health. A new study published in Preventive Medicine has revealed that active commuting, such as cycling or walking, can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and all-cause …

Eating Disorders Among Teens More Severe Than Ever

Teen eating disorders have become more rampant and severe than ever before. Hospitalizations for eating disorders doubled among adolescent girls during the pandemic, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Although most teenagers have resumed in-person school, sports, and social activities, eating disorders, particularly anorexia, remain at an all-time high. Eating disorder-related health …

Eye drops can now cause infections: 68 cases across 16 states

Eye drops can provide comfort by relieving dryness and irritation. It can promote healing in cases of injuries or infections, but a recent product of artificial tears by EzriCare did quite the opposite. It has been linked to a disease-causing bacteria that resulted in infections and blindness. It infected dozens of people, and 3 people …

Differentiating between psoriasis and rosacea

Skin conditions can be painful. Considering that the skin is our largest organ, conditions like psoriasis and rosacea can indicate severe problems. These are two very different conditions but may appear similar. Both result in painful rashes. Here is how you can differentiate between them. Psoriasis This condition occurs due to an imbalance in the …

New Omega-3 Supplement Might Prevent Loss of Sight

We know very well the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. They prevent heart conditions, arthritis, and cancers. But they also have a role to play in vision. Many health conditions accompany the loss of sight. Visual impairment has grave consequences for affected individuals in their activities of daily living. They become less independent and have …

As Sweet as Sugar – But Not Very Nice

Science has brought us so far that we have solutions for most health-related issues. Take weight gain, for instance. If you aim to reduce your sugar intake but can’t help giving in to your sweet tooth, they have an invention for that: sweeteners. Sweeteners are sugar substitutes, but they might be equally, if not more, …

Significant Improvement in Arm and Hand Mobility for Stroke Patients with Breakthrough Spinal Cord Stimulation Technology

Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University have designed a neurotechnology that changes the game for people with moderate to severe stroke. This new technology stimulates the spinal cord to instantly enhance their arm and hand mobility, thereby enabling them to conduct daily activities smoothly. The tech involves a pair of thin …

Using Smart Stitches Shows Better Surgery Results and Patient Well-Being

Medical infections are common, and surgical site infections account for one of the most frequent ones affecting 2% to 4% of patients post-surgery. Some procedures even record higher infection rates than others, such as vaginal mesh implants for prolapse. Surgery tools like mesh implants and internal stitches contribute significantly to surgical site problems, but a …

Intensive Blood Pressure Treatment May Positively Alter Brain Structure Associated with Brain Health

According to research, MRI scans of patients who received more intensive high blood pressure treatment show a positive change in their brain structures that clear toxins and other byproducts. The study, whose results will be presented at the American Stroke Association’s International Stroke Conference 2023, checks whether intensive blood pressure treatment slows or reverses structural …