Eating Disorders Among Teens More Severe Than Ever

Teen eating disorders have become more rampant and severe than ever before. Hospitalizations for eating disorders doubled among adolescent girls during the pandemic, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Although most teenagers have resumed in-person school, sports, and social activities, eating disorders, particularly anorexia, remain at an all-time high. Eating disorder-related health …

Significant Improvement in Arm and Hand Mobility for Stroke Patients with Breakthrough Spinal Cord Stimulation Technology

Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University have designed a neurotechnology that changes the game for people with moderate to severe stroke. This new technology stimulates the spinal cord to instantly enhance their arm and hand mobility, thereby enabling them to conduct daily activities smoothly. The tech involves a pair of thin …

Lecanemab: Why a new Alzheimer’s drug has attracted praise and some concern

With a considerable increase in Alzheimer’s cases worldwide over the years, the medical community desperately needs effective treatment now more than ever before. In September this year, pharmaceutical companies Biogen and Eisai published encouraging results from the clinical trials of a new drug called Lecanemab for Alzheimer’s patients. Lecanemab is a monoclonal antibody treatment that …

AVID Ensures Availability – continues to adapt, scale, and sustain to provide support

Facing different challenges every day, school districts and teachers across the country are struggling to provide essential tools for students to focus and learn successfully. Connection and communication in ever evolving learning environments continue to be top of mind. Whether in the classroom, remote or hybrid learning, audio solutions such as headphones and headsets are critical in connecting students to educators, to technology and multiple forms …

ATC Honored to be Invited to Delaware State University Molecular Diagnostic Lab Ribbon Cutting

January 29, 2021: The ribbon cutting ceremony offered a short respite from Advanced Technology Corp’s work schedule of continuing to roll out and innovate the COVID VADDS platform in addition to doing the same for VADDS and Vetstar. Having worked extensively with many departments within Delaware State University (DSU), it was rewarding to see them …

AZD1222 vaccine met primary efficacy endpoint in preventing COVID-19

Two different dosing regimens demonstrated efficacy with one showing a better profile. No hospitalisations or severe cases of COVID-19 in participants treated with AZD1222. Positive high-level results from an interim analysis of clinical trials of AZD1222 in the UK and Brazil showed the vaccine was highly effective in preventing COVID-19, the primary endpoint, and no …