Xybion – Digitize | Transform | Innovate

While the whole world is appreciating the courage and determination of frontline workers in a global pandemic, the significance of laboratory workflows has also come to light. LIMS, or laboratory information management systems, can enhance lab efficiency and productivity. It can help in process development, research, manufacturing operations, and tracking data for experiments, samples, laboratory …

Sunquest – Offering comprehensive laboratory informatics

2020 was the year of doctors and laboratories with so many orders pooled for test results. As an indispensable part of modern human life, technology came of great assistance then. With automated Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS), the workflow of laboratories stood streamlined even when demand skyrocketed. Laboratories from all over the world are now …

LabWare – Laboratory Automation for the Modern Lab

We are in 2022 with new companies coming up every day for all software needs. But the real achievers are the ones who have innovated, learned, and evolved. When it comes to the best laboratory information management system (LIMS), it is hard to look past LabWare, a company withholding its stance since 1987. As a …

LabVantage – LIMS, Biobanking and Quality ELN

Modern genomics and bioanalytics continue to expand the multitude of possibilities that medicine offers. Laboratories are also enhancing their capability and productivity with software support such as laboratory information management system (LIMS) integration. This software can act as an additional member of the pathological team, keep track of all data from experiments, laboratory workflows, samples, …

Future Technologies – Refining Today For A Better Tomorrow

A laboratory information management system (LIMS) helps organizations handle samples and data with high efficiency. With LIMS, labs are able to easily automate workflows, integrate instruments, and manage samples and associated data. Users can also obtain more consistent results faster and track data from sequencing runs over time and between experiments to increase productivity. The …

Klara – Patient Communication

The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed telemedicine from an innovative solution to a necessity. Klara is a pioneering provider of ingenious solutions to make telemedicine a routinely used part of our healthcare system. The ongoing pandemic situation keeps reminding us of the importance of using telemedicine to deliver care, especially as a means of reducing the …

HealthTap – 24/7 virtual visits & answers with US doctors

Not only is healthcare increasingly crucial in this day and age, but affordable and accessible healthcare is of paramount importance. Families have felt the sting of rising healthcare expenses as they continue to increase faster than household earnings, let alone faster than the economy in itself. With HealthTap, individuals can tap into some of the …

Doximity – The Medical Network Where care comes together

Today, telehealth has become more important than ever. However, there are very few convenient tools for doctors to connect with their patients online without the added hassle of the patients learning how to utilize a new software application. This is why Doximity has taken a step ahead to make telemedicine as simple as possible for …

AMC Health – Health is Everything. Empower Your Members

Virtual care and Remote Patient Monitoring (“RPM”) have helped to transform healthcare delivery, as well as to maximize patient care treatment and provide greater access to care. This shift continues to expand across populations as healthcare organizations work to improve patient care, manage the cost of these chronic illnesses and account for social determinants of …

98point6 – On-Demand Text-Based Primary Care App

The world witnessed an explosion of interest in telemedicine when each of our lives got struck by a global pandemic. Consequently, the demand for telemedicine is on the rise as more and more patients come forward to take advantage of the convenience that digital healthcare offers. 98point6 is an innovative and resourceful telemedicine company that …